среда, 8 января 2020 г.


Posted 28 May - If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. I removed the repeats, and then tried again. Get a copy of UserKeys. I'd uninstall RO entirely, and reinstall it to a location outside of program files, and see if that fixes it. userkeys.lua

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Posted 13 January - Actually it is not solved. Oddly enough, I do not have the same problem with my laptop.

It works so far! By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. It would still probably change it to blank though. If you want the standard pre-renewal style layout, I can post that tonight.

I have no idea how to fix that. Several functions may not work. It only started happening since the last big patch update.


Posted March 3, Posted 29 May - I'll try to put it somewhere other than the program files folder and see if that makes a difference. Sound not saving at all. I removed the repeats, userkeeys.lua then tried again. Uxerkeys.lua 27 May - I'm having the same issue where the settings are no longer saved; it was a recent thing, guess with the client alterations. Paste as plain text instead.

[Testing]Client does not save settings

It could be that it is an XP issue but most of the times the older the system you are using the less issues there are. I have tried all of the above. I then tried it the other way around, making all the files read only, in case that could somehow be the problem, and no success there either.


I will keep on trying to userkegs.lua if there's any other problem but it looks good so far no idea why it works now! Javascript Disabled Detected You currently have javascript disabled. Sign In Sign Up. I've forgotten my password.

OriginsRO Boards • View topic - Hello World!

Thank you so much. Ever since the last patch none of my settings save. Remember me This is not recommended for shared computers.

I'd uninstall RO entirely, and reinstall it to a location outside of program files, and see if that fixes it. Your welcome, Its my pleasure. Posted 28 May - You currently have javascript disabled. Posted March 4, edited. I already have userkeys.luua folder, it is just that the UserKeys.

Go To Question Listing. As far as the sound settings not saving goes, this fix worked for me. Important Information By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use.

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